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max speed allowed ?

Started by kgersen, July 28, 2014, 04:30:57 PM

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Hi & thx for this service.

I'm using it occasionally from home to test some software behavior.

My home Internet connection bandwidth is a capped at 1Gbps/200Mbps (FTTH) and I noticed when doing some speed tests that the HE IPv6 Tunnel is capped a little above 100Mbps/100Mbps (105ish actually).

I was wondering if this was on purpose to avoid abuse/overuse since it's a free service or if there is an issue on my side limiting the bandwidth ?

The tunnel is made using a dedicated Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite 3 router ( http://www.ubnt.com/edgemax/edgerouter-lite/ ).


The EdgeRouter's hardware offload does not handle tunnels (except PPPoE), so that traffic is all hitting the CPU. It's more likely that that's the bottleneck you're seeing than any throttling on HE's end.


I am not aware of a speed cap on any tunnel


It is shared bandwidth, so you'll have what is available at the time. Of course pushing the limits of the connection sort of ruins it for everyone else, so be a kind netizen.


I've tried with other devices and routers. Same results. Even when doing the tunnel with a high-end computer.

The EdgeRouter's cpu isn't very high when doing the speed test.

May be it depends on which  tunnel server I use. I've tried with Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam. None of them go above 100Mbps. Couldn't test London. Not working.

"shared bandwidth" doesn't produce this kind of behavior. Since it's always stable at the cap there is a limitation somewhere.

I'll just assume there is a cap somewhere at 100M/100M that's enough for my software tests. May be it's just the peering/transit (or some throttling) between my ISP and HE (i'm near Paris in France, a traceroute to HE's tunnel server in Paris goes thru London...fun fun).


While echoing what broquea said about being a nice netizen, I recall a transfer on a VPS of mine in Manchester, UK using the lon1 tserve. I remember as I was able to hit ~380Mbit/s (47.5MB/s), which surprised me if I'm honest.

Unless something has changed (this was early last year), or some tserves are configured differently, I doubt there's any kind of limit, at least at the speed you're seeing.
Enta.net ADSL on a very long line :(