Hurricane Electric's IPv6 Tunnel Broker Forums Specific Topics => Questions & Answers => Topic started by: escwireless on October 11, 2013, 09:56:38 AM

Title: Own IPv6 block without BGP?
Post by: escwireless on October 11, 2013, 09:56:38 AM
We have an IPv6 block for over 2 years now from ARIN, but our current feed via TimeWarner fiber does NOT support IPv6.  For 28 months now TWCBC has been giving me a runaround instead of an answer as to "When".  Meanwhile, we've had a standard tunnel with a /48 set up for a few years now, but only for testing and access to some of our servers.

What we want is to route our /32 block over the tunnel until TWC supports IPv6 natively, but ARIN refuses to allow us an ASN since we do not meet their criteria.

Is there any way to make this work?  We can't (I assume) use a private ASN, so can HE support routing our block without BGP, or can we leverage the HE tunnel as qualifying us for an ASN based on distinct routing from our upstream provider?  Has anyone already gone through this and can advise?

Title: Re: Own IPv6 block without BGP?
Post by: broquea on October 11, 2013, 10:13:39 AM
You could contact and ask about a paid tunnel that won't use BGP. I recall such thing happened for someone in LACNIC who was serviced out of the Miami POP (basically only POPs where there were BGP tunnel-servers). HE has also helped draft BGP offer letters for tunnel users in order to help them facilitate getting an ASN + allocation. If TWTC and HE are your two providers, then you qualify as multi-homed, and getting an ASN at that point shouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: Own IPv6 block without BGP?
Post by: escwireless on October 15, 2013, 01:23:18 PM
Looks like we'll need to go the paid tunnel route, or give up on IPv6 until TimeWarner gets their shit together.

Official word from ARIN:  "The justification for a globally unique AS number from ARIN is announcing at least one prefix at more than one provider/peer at the same time."  Since we'd only be announcing the single IPv6 prefix and only to HE, we don't qualify.  Seems dumb: I understand that IPv4 address resources are scarce, justifying stringent requirements to qualify, but ASNs aren't exactly running out.

Title: Re: Own IPv6 block without BGP?
Post by: kasperd on November 07, 2013, 01:48:16 PM
Quote from: broquea on October 11, 2013, 10:13:39 AMIf TWTC and HE are your two providers, then you qualify as multi-homed, and getting an ASN at that point shouldn't be an issue.
As far as I recall both HE and netassist offer free BGP tunnels. Would having one tunnel to each be enough to qualify for an ASN?
Title: Re: Own IPv6 block without BGP?
Post by: broquea on November 07, 2013, 02:17:01 PM
I wrote plenty of BGP offer letters involving tunnels that got a few people their ASNs, at least with ARIN. I don't think how you get the transit matters, just that you are getting it. I'm sure HE could still draft these.