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No MX found for your domain. Failed to get AAAA.

Started by acma, November 26, 2010, 02:46:27 AM

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Dunno if I'm doing something wrong, but I think the script doesn't like me...  ;D

Everytime I try to test the MTA ov IPv6 I receive this message: No MX found for your domain. Failed to get AAAA even thou I tested mannualy and I'm (as far as I can see) ready even for the next step, since I followed the tests broquea showed on the "Cert Breakdown"...

cstrauch@Apolo:~$ dig mx ces.eti.br +short
5 ipv6.ces.eti.br.
cstrauch@Apolo:~$ dig aaaa ipv6.ces.eti.br +short
cstrauch@Apolo:~$ dig -x 2001:470:1f07:cd6:21d:92ff:febc:26c3 +short

I'm already using HE's free DNS service to expedite the tests and a TTL of 300s to make sure any modification propagates quickly.

Help?  ???


Carlos Strauch


Assuming those are the commands the test uses to run (I don't remember, it's been a while) then everything looks like it should be working....how long ago did you test?  When I got the sage cert, HE's server said everything was correct, but it took like 3 or 4 days for me to actually be able to pass.


If user@ces.eti.br was used then what you did would work. However you specified user@ipv6.ces.eti.br, so:

~$ dig mx ipv6.ces.eti.br +short


Quote from: broquea on November 26, 2010, 09:06:32 AM
If user@ces.eti.br was used then what you did would work. However you specified user@ipv6.ces.eti.br, so:

~$ dig mx ipv6.ces.eti.br +short

Broquea, sorry if I'm mistaken but shouldn't the MX refer to the whole domain?
Does the script expect the MX for the host (ipv6.ces.eti.br is a machine, the 'ipv6 name' for apolo.ces.eti.br), instead of the MX for the domain 'ces.eti.br'?
I understand is commonly used a subdomain called ipv6.xxx for tests, but my domain name wasn't being used so I activated it for the tests and certification.

Just tested it again and:

No MX found for your domain. Failed to get AAAA

The e-mail being used for the test is cstrauch@ces.eti.br.



But like he's saying, if you do a mx lookup against ces.eti.br, you won't get an AAAA record.


Quote from: cholzhauer on November 26, 2010, 10:57:28 AM
But like he's saying, if you do a mx lookup against ces.eti.br, you won't get an AAAA record.

Don't understand. I got one. He didn't because he dig'd the MX for the host, not the domain. Even for IPv4, if you dig the MX for the domain, you receive the name of the mail host as an answer.
dig mx ces.eti.br +short returns, as expexcted, ipv6.ces.eti.br, the mail host. This host has an AAAA (and only AAAA, no IPv4 for it).



Cool! It worked, finally...  ;D
Prepared so much in this time that jumped right to professional...  ;D ;D

Thanks, guys!


while using user@host.domain.com is technically correct, and should work, sounds like the check scripts look for a mx first, and fail if one isn't found. Normally if no mx is found a email server will use the A or AAAA records directly.


Guys, public apology moment.

I really don't know what happened between tests. I started with cstrauch@ces.eti.br (and having the problem).
At some point, when I reset'd the test, my browser interfered and added the host name, maybe from another box I typed it.

It's verry weird, because it's not an usual error for me, but I have to assume my mistake. I only noticed it after I read the messages here for the third time, after it already worked.  :o

So, sorry all for the trouble... But a good thing came from it. After it worked, 2h later I was already sage.  ;D

Thanks for all your help and patience!



I know it's been a long time since Your issue was solved, but can you tell me exactly what you did in this test as no matter what i do i'm ending up with No MX found for your domain. Failed to get AAAA



I'm trying to get the certifications using my own CentOS 6.2 box

[root@brucaj ~]# dig mx brucaj.com +short
10 v6.brucaj.com.
[root@brucaj ~]# dig AAAA v6.brucaj.com +short

I'm a newb in Linux and IPv6, so i'm not sure if I missed something at the HE DNS or with my mail server on my box..
I would appreciate if you can help me in any way.



I get the same results as you.  If you try the test again, does it work?  If not, I would email ipv6@he.net and tell them; sometimes they just need to flush the cache



Hero Member
What domain?

root@ubuntu10:~# dig mx tranducman.mooo.com +short
10 tranducman.mooo.com.
root@ubuntu10:~# dig aaaa tranducman.mooo.com +short