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IPv6 HE tunnel broker and Netflix quick fix Idea

Started by jonathanlee571, July 24, 2024, 11:38:02 AM

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Hello fellow Hurricane Electric community members,

I wanted to share this with users in case others also have issues with streaming services such as Netflix blocking IPv6 tunnel brokers. I seem to have found a solution, it is to force pfSense's Unbound DNS resolver to utilize DNS A records when accessing specific Netflix domains or other domains that have this issue.

Unbound DNS resolver has a custom option in here. You can add these options.

dns64-ignore-aaaa: netflix.com
dns64-ignore-aaaa: netflix.net
dns64-ignore-aaaa: nflxext.com
dns64-ignore-aaaa: nflxso.net
dns64-ignore-aaaa: nflxvideo.net
dns64-ignore-aaaa: www.netflix.com

This seemed to resolve my issue as anything with those domains will now only use DNS A records.

I hope that helps. Thanks for all you do