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Ripe canges and pi

Started by sttun, March 29, 2012, 01:45:40 AM

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Acording to http://blog.ioshints.info/2012/03/anyone-can-get-ipv6-pi-space-buy-more.html ripe has dropped the multihoming and AS reqierment to get PI space (u\it seems the only thing jo now need is tobe able tp ay the€52/year anf get a lir to sponsor youre applicction, correct me if I am wrong on this). That got me thinking, if I end up geting the PI space , is there any way i cab use it witgh tunnekbroker ?
As I don|r have an AS bgp will be a problem


In order to use any of your own address space with the tunnelbroker, you need to be able to do BGP with your own ASN.


bummer, any other (payed/free) service from he that allows me to get ipv6 pi tunneled to me without my own ASN ?
PS: My he tunnel has serverd me graet so I dont mind sending som money hes way (as long as it is resnable)


Is there any technical limitation that would prevent using PI space with redundant connections through different providers without having your own AS number?

I would guess that as long as each of your upstreams knows your address space, they could announce that prefix using their own AS number. I would guess that would work with one or more providers announcing the prefix.

Is there a technical limitation, that I am not aware of? Or is it a matter of policy decision? Or is it just because HE don't want to be bothered with getting information about the address space of their downstreams in some different way, when it is already possible to get it using BGP (as long as the downstream has acquired an AS number)?


There is no technological limit that would stop your paid transit providers from announcing your allocations on your behalf.

If you do not have your own ASN, then you can't use the free BGP tunnel. That would be the only technological limitation & policy with regards to the free service (private ASNs need not apply). Or you could pay HE for a tunnel that has them announce the space. Free service only goes so far ;)

Email sales@he.net to be assigned a rep to talk about a paid tunnel service.


Quote from: broquea on March 29, 2012, 09:44:00 AM
There is no technological limit that would stop your paid transit providers from announcing your allocations on your behalf.

If you do not have your own ASN, then you can't use the free BGP tunnel. That would be the only technological limitation & policy with regards to the free service (private ASNs need not apply). Or you could pay HE for a tunnel that has them announce the space. Free service only goes so far ;)

Email sales@he.net to be assigned a rep to talk about a paid tunnel service.
Thank you I wil do that in a few weeks