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Sage T-Shirt

Started by Mierdin, January 25, 2011, 08:18:30 AM

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At least mine changed to status "Shipped" within the last 2 or 3 weeks. So obviously something is still going on :)

EDIT: Received mine in the mail today! For anyone wondering: Large size corresponds to Large size in Northern Europe! Thanks a lot, HE!


And my T-Shirt arrived 3 days ago :)
Thanks HE - Its great.


why i have not get any informations ? :-[

Validate Address for Sages' IPv6 T-Shirt
Your selected T-Shirt Size:XXXL
Already validated!
My tshirt order status
<a href="http://ipv6.he.net/certification/scoresheet.php?pass_name=liuxyon" target="_blank"><img src="http://ipv6.he.net/certification/create_badge.php?pass_name=liuxyon&amp;badge=3" style="border: 0; width: 229px; height: 137px" alt="IPv6 Certification Badge for liuxyon"></img></a>


If you actually want information about tshirts being shipped, you need to email ipv6@he.net to open a ticket, that we'll move to the queue where the person handling shipments will look. They don't read the forums.


My t-shirt is beginning to show signs of wear.   :)

Is it possible to get on the queue to buy one (or two) in the next batch?



Hi. I accidentally indicated the wrong size for the T-shirt. How to fix?


My t-shirt status is shipped and I passed my sage certificate in February 2023. It's now February 2025 and I still don't have the t-shirt.


I just watched the LAN Rangers YouTube channel and noticed the shirt. I've had my Sage certification for about 15 years now, but sadly, the t-shirt I had wore out last year. I really miss it, as it was great quality. Any chance HE would be willing to send an extra one? A size M or L would be much appreciated.